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Hello, I am back!

I recently had shoulder surgery so I haven’t written a blog since before Jonathan Wall’s trial. It was bad as he was found guilty right in front of all of us including his mother, Mitzi, and the rest of his family and friends.  It was a hard blow to those of us so passionate about ending prohibition. How could a jury in 2022 still convict on such a bad law?  Now, the amazing Wall family who stood up for Jonathan in every way imaginable has to face living the rest of their lives without him because he is facing 10 years to LIFE!  Jonathan was brave for standing up for what he believed in, however, he is now facing mandatory sentencing.  It’s rare for people to take their cases to trial because of that reason.

Jonathan’s trial reminds me of Lance’s trial in the way that his childhood friends snitched on them and pointed him out in court right in front of him. That had to have been hard for Jonathan after all these years of being friends with them, however, I doubt he was surprised.

Jonathan’s case was a conspiracy case, which meant that his codefendants had to take deals and testify against Jonathan in order to get lesser jail time. Everything was against him in the courtroom because not only did he have his friends testifying against him but he had the prosecutors exaggerating about the numbers, lying, confusing jurors, and staging the usual shenanigans that bring them more attention in the courtroom.  Jonathan was truly defenseless as the feds got their prosecution skits down.  Honestly, no one really has a chance against the feds, but all it would have taken is one smart juror to vote not guilty to declare the end of prohibition, but no, he was found GUILTY.

I’m super sad to report that prohibition is nowhere near over.  Next, Jonathan faces sentencing.  The judge will be forced to give him 10 years to LIFE because he took his case to trial.  We will be organizing a letter campaign so that we try to convince the judge to be as lenient on his sentence as possible.  I will be letting you know details soon on good information to include in your letter to the judge. We will need as many letters as possible.

Jonathan and his family were not alone during the 5-day trial, Freedom Grow members such as Randy Lanier, Stacey Shepherd, Karly Cramer, George Martorano, and myself joined daily in solidarity. Please remember that as our whole nation continues to violate cannabis schedule one federal drug laws, we have almost 200 people on our prison outreach list and our list is growing.  We help them as much as we can including their families. We are not just an outreach program but we also are a support program and offer our support to any other family members who need us because we have all been through prohibition too.  That is why I am super sad to announce that Jonathan wall has been officially added to our prison outreach list.


Thanks a lot for reading my blog, I love you so much, love always, Kristin. XOXO

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