I am serving a 365 month sentence for distribution of marijuana. I am a non-violent offender serving an excessive sentence due to enhancements found by my sentencing judge- enhancements premised on the testimony of a confidential informant (*information that forensic testing provided to be false).
Since 2009 (the date of my guilty plea) I have sought help, as well as advocacy from any person and/or agency that I have learned about.
FREEDOMGROW.ORG has been a shining light for myself and thousands of individuals in the Federal Bureau of Prisons whom languish due to antiquated marijuana laws.
In addition to the excessive marijuana sentence, I also am battling testicular cancer and a skin disease described as “unknown”. I have filed a Compassionate Release with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and I am currently waiting a decision.
Persons should not be serving excessive sentences for marijuana. Myself and thousands of others appreciate the support that we have been shown from
FREEDOMGROW.ORG and any other person or entity that is working tirelessly in this movement.