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Mental Health in the Prison System | Freedom Grow Forever

The statistical account of men, women, and children in the American correctional system is high. That is a fact. The government funds the penal system by you, the taxpayer, who is the “provider” to house the law-breaking delinquents. This is another fact.   

The issue that is being given the least amount of consideration and attention is: the emotional and/or mental conditions of the “delinquents”. An ultimate fact.   

A report done by the Department of Justice accepted the reality that a high percentage of those serving a prison sentence have mental and/or emotional traumas. As a federal prisoner, I have witnessed this in the last 12 years. Sadly, I have also witnessed hearing a certified Psychologist state: “We are not assigned to diagnose. That is done only by Court Order and, even then, a Forensic Psychologist is more appropriate to diagnose.”   

There are statutes founded by the U.S. Constitution and written by U.S. Congress that a defendant, “delinquent”, is to be given a specific sentence in which he or she will be getting proper treatment (medical, education, and or vocational) for their recovery before entering back into society. (See subsection 3553(a) factors of the U.S. Sentencing Commission’s Guidelines). Mind you, by statutes, LAW.   

Do note, the traumas suffered in childhood, and not healed, flourish into post-traumatic disorder. This, making victims of abuse or abusers.

Think about this for a minute. You provide for the treatment, paying with your hard-working labors’ fruits. Also, are the victims witnessing “delinquents” being released without having gotten the proper treatment in prison because of “low funds” and continuing to see streets infested with drugs, houses broken into, children and women battered physically and/or emotionally because they, these “delinquents”, are prison-releasees without getting adequate treatment.

Juan Cavazos #27216-179

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