Freedom Grow unites in Baltimore from all over the country to help gather support for Jonathan Wall’s trial.
Jonathan is facing 10 years to life and we need your help!
- The feds are so intimidating and drug war sentencing so ridiculous that many take plea deals for less time / penalties and avoid trials. Fear Based
- People will roll over on even their best childhood friends when they are scared for themselves! Fear Based
- The feds fail to inform or allow proper information and education for jurors. They intimidate the jurors and give them the impression they can’t use their conscience when ruling and any state cannabis freedom cannot be mentioned. Fear Based
- A group of 12 people selected to represent the citizens of Baltimore in a jury trial, decided that wrapping things up in an hour to get back to their lives before the weekend was more important than another’s life that was in their hands. For JUST POT & not even close to the amount he was found guilty for!! Selfish
- Many people cannot do basic math!! Jurors, Lawyers, Witnesses, Cops! Ignorance
These are just a few reasons why we show up!!
NO ONE Should be prosecuted and imprisoned over just cannabis anymore!!
It’s always been wrong! Jonathan Wall was very courageous to take his case to trial when the risk is so high while so many let fear lead them!!
Sentencing date TBD and announced soon!
Free Jonathan Wall
Day 5 began with testimony from various law enforcement officials. Then closing. Closing was intense!
The prosecutors went first, they mentioned a bunch of numbers to the jurors and reminded them of what a conspiracy law is. They told the whole story in their words to the jurors and again showed them the evidence that was found during raids at the co-conspirator’s homes.
When it was the defense’s turn to deliver closing arguments, Jonathan’s attorney was not able to mention any state laws, such as the fact that its legal in 37 states. He brought up the discrepancy in the numbers delivered by law enforcement on day one, and called it an “arrogance of power”. His closing words, “We just keep giving them the benefit of the doubt, make a difference today, make a difference.”
Last, the prosecutors delivered their final word. They always have the last word; they delivered a performance of their lifetime and check-mate.
Next, the judge read 44 different jury instructions to the jurors.
It took less than an hour for the jury to deliberate. Jonathan was found guilty. The courtroom was silent. It took a moment for family and supporters to grasp what had just happened. A few moments later, the US Marshals put Jonathan Wall in handcuffs and walked him out of the courtroom.
The next step for Jonathan will be a letter-writing campaign to convince the judge not to sentence him to LIFE, and to be as lenient with his sentence as possible.
More information on how you can help to come soon!
Freedom Grow wants to remind you of the trauma a family and a community face when their loved one is taken to prison for a non-violent cannabis crime. It is 2022 and we expected the jury to judge the schedule one cannabis drug law and refuse to convict on it. However, that was not the case.
Freedom Grow’s Vice President Randy Lanier says “They just do as they are told”.
Prohibition is not over and will not be over until cannabis is federally removed as a schedule one drug. This bad law has never kept us safer, it has only ruined families, and incarcerated too many humans.
We believe the details of the case do not matter because the law is bad. We want prohibition to end, we want President Biden and Vice President Harris to do as they promised and release all cannabis prisoners immediately. We are still waiting.
Day 4 of Jonathan Wall’s trial was full of ups and downs!
Today was stressful in the courtroom!
Jonathan asked for a mistrial due to a hand gesture a witness accused Jonathan of making on day 3. After reviewing the cameras, it was found that Jonathan did not make the gesture, however, he felt like it ruined his case so he wanted a mistrial. The judge denied the mistrial.
Court continued with testimony from Jonathan’s 6th-grade friend, Jacob Hallgren who testified that Jonathan was in charge of the conspiracy to ship large amounts of cannabis from California to Baltimore.
Other than his testimony, there was no physical evidence to link Jonathan to the crimes that Jacob accused him of.
We also heard similar testimony from witnesses Michael Reese, Adam Dona, and Keith Trainor who were all facing 10 years up to life without their testimony.
All of these witnesses had other drugs involved in their cases, Jason’s attorney reminded the jurors that “My client has never had anything to do with real drugs”.
Freedom Grow team driving the Cannabus around Baltimore on their 4th day of supporting Jonathan Wall in his trial.
Day 3! We survived day 3! Today was a stressful day at the courthouse! Long story short Ryan MacDonell (aka Squid/Squidword) and Christopher Anderson (aka Tofer) took the stand as witnesses against Jonathan.
Jonathan’s attorney questioned their intent for testifying against him. They both admitted to testifying to avoid facing their long sentences. Ryan signed a deal with the government that will take his possible 40-year sentence off the table in exchange for his testimony against Jonathan. Christopher’s deal took his life sentence off the table. Jonathan’s attorney asked Christopher if he ever heard the song “Don’t tell me that you’re sorry ’cause you’re not when you know you’re only sorry you got caught!” Christophers responded that he had never heard that song!
Part of Squidword (Ryan) testimony included that he sold and used a lot of other drugs besides cannabis and he also had prior drug convictions. When Jonathan’s attorney asked if he was testifying against anyone else in any of those dealings his answer was “No”. Other evidence included evidence that came from raiding his house such as a bag sealer, money counter, financial statements, and a lot of other drugs (acid, ketamine, amphetamine tablets, MDMA, and fake MDMA)! He said in his testimony that Jonathan had nothing to do with those dealings. Squidword admitted to using and selling these drugs and admitted that all the evidence belonged to him and not Jonathan.
Our hearts were broken to see Tofer (Christopher), Jonathan’s childhood friend since the age of 8 point-the-finger at him in the courtroom. A lot of his testimony was similar to Squidwords. They had a lot of financial records, videos with everyone in them except Jonathan, and pictures of bags and boxes (not showing what was in them). His attorney asked if Jonathan was in any of the videos and Tofer answered “No”. At the end of his testimony Jonathan’s attorney asked him if he had any documentation to prove anything he said today, his answer was “No, I do not”.
Freedom Grow Board Member Stacey Shepherd got kicked out of the courtroom for taking a selfie in the lobby, not realizing the judge’s ban on taking pictures on the 7th floor of the courthouse. Stacey’s picture had people in the background including a witness so the government made her delete her photos and asked her not to come back!!
Freedom Grow believes that no one should go to jail for a plant. We believe the schedule one drug law is bad. This law has tormented too many of our families over the years and we want prohibition to end. Please join us in the courtroom to help show support for Jonathan tomorrow!
Today was day 2 of Jonathan Wall’s trial. Steven McCallin, an old friend of Jonathan’s, was called to the stand to testify against him.
Jonathan’s amazing attorney questioned his intent to testify and Steven admitted that his testimony was delivered so that he can avoid a life sentence.
His attorney also questioned one of the undercover agents and proved that he misinformed the ‘grand jury’ in a prior hearing about the amount of cannabis that Jonathan was being accused of distributing. When Jonathan’s attorney asked the undercover why he didn’t tell the correct his statement he made to the grand jury, his response was “In my soul I thought I corrected the government and in my mind”.

These are a few of the highlights of court support today. We will be rallying in the morning in front of the courthouse tomorrow! Stacey will be driving the Cannabus around and we will be holding signs in front of the courthouse! If you are in the Baltimore area please join us!
Stacey brought the Cannabus, Kristin came from Washington, Randy came from Florida, and Karly came from Arizona to show their support for Jonathan and the whole Wall family.
Mitzi Wall, Jonathan’s mother and an advisory board member of Freedom Grow, is a beloved member of our community, and we are committed to standing by her and her son through the trial. The jury has been selected and court begins tomorrow. We need to show Jonathan that he is not alone in this fight!
Check out everything that happened today in these videos.