Pen-Pal Survivor’s Guide
Corresponding with friends and family is a life line that is vital to the survival of those on the inside. Mail call can be one of the best parts of a prisoners day, if they are lucky enough to receive mail. For many, mail is the only thing they can look forward to. If you are reading this, then the chances are you have said yes to being a prison pen pal! On behalf of the prisoners, Thank You! Every prison has its own rules and they are regularly changing. The following guidelines are for general information but it is always best to verify specific policies that may apply.
The Icebreaker
The biggest hurdle to beginning a pen-pal relationship is getting started. It is much simpler than one might think. Begin by introducing yourself. Share only what you are comfortable with. You could give a short bio that includes your hob bies, pets, likes and dislikes. It is also helpful to explain how you came to hear about your pen-pal. Then, you wait…… The prison mail system can be slow. Sometimes it can take several weeks to get a response. But, before you send that letter keep the following in mind.
The Basics
- White paper, regular notebook or copy paper
- White envelopes only
- Blue or black ink only
- No Postcards or card stock paper
- No stickers, tape, glue, glitter, staples, paper clips, fragrances, crayon, ribbon etc. on the envelope or letter.
- All ingoing and outgoing mail is subject to inspection. Most facilities copy all letters before giving them to the inmates. Never include anything you wouldn’t want staff to read.
- Please realize that even if you do everything “right” mail can be returned.
- Include their name and prison ID# on the letter.
- Always include the prisoner’s full first name, prison ID#, institution name, and address on the envelope.
For example:
Joe Green #123456
Hard Knocks Correctional Institution
PO BOX 666
Behindtherazorwire, NY. 96666
- Always include your name and address on return space of envelope.
- No money, gifts, or postage stamps can be sent to a prisoner through the general mail.
- Greeting Cards rules are different for each institution. At this time black ink and white paper is the best bet. If an institution allows cards they will simply copy your card onto plain paper and give the pen pal the copy.
- Your letter should be 3 pages or less, and one sided until you know specific rules of the prison.
Sending Photographs
Our loved ones love to get pictures! They love to see nature, pets, vacation photos etc. Pictures help them to see the world outside their cement walls and metal bars. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.
- Photos should be no larger than 4×6.
- Photos should never contain profanity, illegal substances, nudity, sexually suggestive material.
- Hand gestures and tattoos can be rejected due to fears of gang implications.
- Most prisons allow 20-30 images at a time, each prison is different.
- Most prisons require the photos to come from a photo company, or, from Amazon, some prisons allow you to mail them yourself.
- Remember staff and other inmates will be inspecting these.
Sending Books, Magazines, and Newspapers
Most inmates are not allowed to receive books directly from friends and family but they are able to receive publications that come directly from the manufacturer. Simply put, they can be ordered from Amazon.com., magazines.com, etc. State and federal prisons differ, some allow both paperback and hardback some allow one or the other.
Remember, these are just suggested guidelines. Every prison has different rules!