Stacey Theis Shepherd

Why are you part of Freedom Grow?
I am the niece of Gary Shepherd, a Purple Heart Vietnam Veteran, who was filled with bullets and murdered by Kentucky State Police and a national drug task force in his front yard, all over twelve cannabis plants in 1993. This all happened inches away from and in front of my cousin, who was only four years old at the time. Since attending Oaksterdam University in the Spring of 2011, I decided to dedicate my life to educating everyone I can about the truth regarding cannabis and I feel the need to set not only the plant but all those incarcerated and suffering due to prohibition FREE! My passion is for our cannabis prisoners and their families because I have witnessed their unnecessary grief, struggles and sadness firsthand. I strongly believe it must end, and we should do all we can to help set our people FREE!!!
Other advocacy
I am the co-founder of the CannaSense Campaign and proud owner of the Cannabus that tours the country and has been able to help cannabis organizations and local efforts grow along the way. Sharing cannabis and drug war education to many communities including law enforcement, VFW conferences, legislative hearings, medical facilities, churches, etc. I have toured the Cannabus in 36 states across the country so far. I have helped many suffering patients with cannabis!
More about Stacey
I am also a Mother, Grandmother, Medical Marijuana Patient, and former corporate career woman.