You are currently viewing ALWAYS LIVE BY YOUR OWN BILL OF RIGHTS


I have the right to be happy.
I have the right to be excited about life.
I have the right to create an attractive, comfortable home.
I have the right to live wherever I choose.
I have the right to have healthy, rewarding relationships.
I have the right to have romance and passion in my life.
I have the right to feel attractive.
I have the right to be proud of who I am.
I have the right to spend time with myself.
I have the right to find my own spiritual path.
I have the right to pursue my own vocation and profession. #freedwinrubis


Edwin Rubis is serving his 24th year of a 40-year sentence in federal prison. As a victim of the war on drugs, he’s able to share with you his unique perspective on his experiences of the ups and downs of life behind bars. Born in El Salvador, and raised in Texas, Edwin has spent half of his life in prison and has figured out how to overcome many of the trappings of prison life. While incarcerated, he has completed his Master’s degree in Counseling and is now working on his Doctorate. Edwin currently resides at FCI-Talladega. #FreeEdwinRubis

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